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  • Writer's pictureTanya Louise

Health: Seven Natural Painkillers To Try

With the outbreak of the Coronavirus and shelves being stripped of Paracetamol, in recent times the need for alternative painkillers has never been more relevant.

Over-the-counter pills and prescribed medication are the best and quickest form of painkiller. However, if they are not available, you want to follow advice not to take the likes of Ibrupofen in light of the virus or you may just want a break from pills, there are many natural forms of pain relief that you can turn to. Here are just a few effective natural painkillers to consider.


Ginger has long been used to treat pain. It can reduce inflammation, making it an effective form of relief against back and joint pain. It’s also effective at fighting stomach pain and nausea.

You can incorporate ginger into many food dishes including stir fries, fish dishes and cakes. Ginger tea is another common way to ingest ginger.


This root vegetable belongs to the same family as ginger and has similar anti-inflammatory effects. In fact, some studies suggest that turmeric could be as powerful a painkiller as many forms of over-the-counter medicine.

Turmeric is traditionally used in many curries. It can also be added to soups, omelettes and even mixed into coffee. Some people simply consume it as a powder form in hot water.


Cloves has numbing properties when rubbed on sore area. In fact, many OTC pain rubs contain cloves as an ingredient. It’s commonly rubbed on the gums as a way of fighting toothache.

Soaking a cotton ball in clove oil and dabbing it on the painful area is the best way to apply this form of pain relief. It’s also possible to use whole cloves.

Devils Claw

Devil’s claw is a plant with anti-inflammatory properties. It’s commonly used to fight pain associated with gout, but can also be used to fight headaches, joint pain, muscular pain and other aches.

You can buy devil’s claw extract at a herbal pharmacy, either as a powder or a capsule. Devil’s claw can be used to make a herbal tea and can be combined with other anti-inflammatory herbs and spices such as turmeric.

Willow Bark

The bark of a willow tree is thought to have similar pain relief properties to aspirin. It’s most commonly used to fight migraines and headaches, but can also be used to treat other forms of pain.

Like devil’s claw, willow bark is usually purchased as an extract at a herbal pharmacy. It is commonly consumed as a herbal tea.


Extracted from the cannabis plant, CBD is a potent pain reliever. There is none of the THC of regular marijuana, so you’ll only get the pain relief and not the high of the drug. It can be used to fight all forms of pain from joint pain to headaches.

There are a multitude of ways to consume CBD. The most common is CBD oil, which can be taken on its own or added to food and smoothies. CBD is also available in capsule form and as a chewable sweet.


Caffeine can actually help to reduce inflammation. It’s also a popular form of treatment against migraines by enlarging blood vessels and helping blood flow to the brain.

Coffee isn’t good for all forms of pain though – there are studies that suggest it can make back pain worse by increasing cortisol levels.

Let me know if you have any other recommendations.

Love Tx

Photo Pixabay

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