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  • Writer's pictureTanya Louise

How To Free Up Space And Maximise Home Office Potential

With more people working from home nowadays, it makes sense to invest more time and effort into creating a space that’s more efficient and productive. Freeing up space and helping to maximise the home office potential is a challenge but one that is worth getting to grips with.

If you’re working from home and have the time available, then these tips should ensure your home office is the best it can be in 2024.

Scandi style home office

Assess the furniture you currently have in the room

What furniture do you currently have in your room? It’s something that you should certainly consider before doing any work on your home office. Assessing the furniture available will help you determine what you want to get rid of and what you can keep to make use of.

It might be that there is furniture in the room that you no longer need or is taking up too much space that it’s limiting the potential it has. Some furniture often comes with sentimental value but actually is taking up valuable space that you might need for your home office.

Mount shelves for extra space

Shelving is a useful addition to a space, especially when the floor space available is fairly limited. Floating shelves are a great way to lift anything off the floor that might be a tripping hazard or may be limiting the space’s potential.

With floating shelves, you’ve not got the eye sore of the brackets that are often used to put up shelves. This type of shelving has become extremely popular over the years and is a great way to add storage without compromising on style.

Consider mounting shelves for extra space and make use of high ceilings where you can to really maximise the potential for storage space.

Treat your office like any other room with personalisation

Your home office should be like any other room in the home, personalised! Don’t forget that this space, while needing to be a professional environment, should also be a part of your home.

It’s often difficult to get the balance right, you don’t want it to be too overcrowded with decor and personal items to be distracting. At the same time, if you’re not adding some personalisation to the space then it can feel quite cold and not quite an enjoyable space to spend your time in day after day.

With that being said, look at what you might want to add to your space in order to make it more appealing. Perhaps a few photo frames of family members, to some smaller home decor pieces that dress the space wonderfully.

Bring in all of the natural light

Natural light is something that you want to incorporate into the space as much as possible. This is something that you should do throughout the home but when it comes to a workspace, natural light is a great mood booster and motivator.

With that being said, you should open up the windows in the space by taking away anything that might be blocking that natural light from coming in. Whether that’s a wardrobe or heavy curtains, remove it all to let the light shine through the space.

If you don’t benefit from much natural light in the daytime, then you could always consider adding some artificial light that mimics natural light. Artificial lighting is just as effective and is a great way to help create a space that feels light and inviting. It’s amazing how much natural light can make a space feel bigger too.

Try to make it minimal

When freeing up space in the home, you should focus on creating a home office that is minimal in appearance. The more minimal it can be, the less clutter you’ll find is created. Clutter has a detrimental effect on the mind and it’s something you should work on eliminating where you’re able to.

With minimalism, consider what would make the space more minimal in its appearance. For some home offices, it might be about reducing the clutter on your desks to shifting out some old furniture that you no longer need.

Sometimes, it’s hard to let go of things you’ve had in the home for a while. If that’s the case, then it might be worth having someone come in and help you separate your feelings from the furniture.

Get crafty with your storage options

Storage options are great when you’re trying to free up space and maximise the home office potential. 

There are plenty of fun options to play around with the space and to take full advantage of what’s available as a storage solution. From hanging storage to hidden storage in furniture.

In order to make use of limited space, it’s worth investing in as many storage options as possible. Consider what items within the home office are in need of storage, rather than really having no place within the home office space.

A great option for freeing up space is to use collapsable boxes and storage options that can stack up on top of each other.

Store anything you don’t need outside of the home

Finally, make sure you store anything that you don’t need, outside of the home. This will help to free up the space and ensure you only keep in the home office, what you really need.

There are plenty of options when it comes to storage in the home, but one solution outside of it would be a self-storage unit. This is a great way to shift the stuff that’s taking up space but that you don’t want to get rid of completely. With a self-storage unit, you can access it whenever you need to and it helps to hold on to the things that you don’t want to let go of if they’re valuable.

Freeing up space and maximising your home office potential is important so use these tips to ensure you have the most success in creating a productive space. With more remote working expected in 2024, it’s worth the investment to add one to your home.

Love Tx

*Collaborative Post


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